For any adult spending time with a child or children aged 4 to 19. Not just parents/carers, but grandparents, aunties, uncles, siblings and childminders too – we all have a part to play.

Designed Around You
Demonstrations between therapists and parents/caregivers, offering ideas on how to talk to your child to help them open up and ease their anxiety. |
Examples of helpful and unhelpful adult behaviours, such as listening skills, that are crucial for improving kids’ mental health. |
Demonstrations of fun and easy techniques, like milkshake breathing which you can try at home. |
Extensive footage of common issues, like kids resisting school or feeling anxious, showing both effective and ineffective ways to handle them, which you can try at home. |
A fun animation that explains the fight or flight response by taking kids back to the cavemen days, helping them understand physical symptoms they may experience in difficult situations. |
Learn what signs to watch for and how to confidently tell the difference between normal behaviour and when to worry. |
Bite-sized tutorials by Cognitive Behavioural Therapists, showing how to help your children overcome and manage difficult situations. |
Free resources, which you can print and use at home at no extra cost. These help encourage your kids to participate in activities or situations they currently resist. |