Our Results

Positive Feedback for Blue Mental Health Solutions Southridge First School recently undertook Blue Mental Health Solutions’ training, designed to further enhance teachers’ knowledge and understanding of children’s mental health. The aim is to equip educators with the strongest possible knowledge and skills to better support their pupils’ mental well-being. Upon completing the “holistic” training, Southridge…

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Langley First School recently undertook the Blue Mental Health Solutions mental health foundation course, a program tailored to equip educators with a deeper understanding of children’s mental health. The course was met with resounding praise from the teaching staff, who found it to be a “fantastic set of training”. The teachers at Langley First School…

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Frankie Cowan, Head Teacher: We’ve seen a significant reduction in the number of children referred to CAMHS and other services. When I took over Grange Park Primary School, during the pandemic, the school was battling the same mental health challenges that so many of our schools are now facing. With 20 years of experience in…

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