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How to buy a course

In this article

1. Logging into your account

2. Buying the course you want

3. Filling out the enquiry form

This article describes how to buy a course from our website.

Logging into your account

In order to begin the process of buying a course, you must be logged into your account. If you do not know how to do this, please follow this guide.

Tip: To check you’re logged in, click on the profile icon on the top right of the website (circled in the screenshot below) and you will be greeted with your name and account settings.

Blue Mental Health course support

Buying the course you want

To find the right course for you, navigate to the “Courses” section in the navigation bar at the top of the website.

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You will find a preview of all our available courses. Once you have found the one you want to buy, click on “See More”.

Now, you will be shown the page where the overview of the course can be seen as well as the prices. Depending on the course, this may have a range of prices or one set price. Click on “Buy Now.

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Filling out the enquiry form

You will be taken to an enquiry page where you can fill out an order form and our team will get back in touch with you swiftly to arrange the invoice and setup your access. Note that orders are temporarily invoice only until our E-commerce functionality is fully implemented.

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